Develop-Deploy-Deliver Blog

A collection of articles on Software, Software Management and Technology. With a little Self-Development. Opinions expressed here are my own.

Last deployed: 2024-03-31 09:25

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Write Flexible Code with Higher-Order Thinking

Remember those high-level programming techniques that you thought you would never use? It turns out they can be useful after all, and can help you solve tricky problems.

Published at: 2024-03-31

Book Review 2023

2023 was not quite as successful as 2022 for reading, but I still came across a few that I learned a lot from or would recommend to others. Here are my favourites for the year.

Published at: 2024-03-03

Cloud Collections: A Link Library

Everybody loves a linked-list. Or rather a list of links. (Or even a good software pun.) Here is a list of links gathered from various unclosed browser tabs, from security to cloud to development skills and more.

Published at: 2023-07-09

Estimating is Waste

I previously thought that even though agile-based priorities hold more value than estimating, there was still value in estimating. Now I'm not so sure.

Published at: 2023-06-12

On Resilience

Bad things happen to us. That is life. But some people can handle it better than others. I was put through a challenging event recently, which made me think about why this is.

Published at: 2023-05-21

AWS SES: Getting Started with Serverless Email Processing

Email is sometimes a good way to talk to a service; is used around the world and people are naturally familiar with it, so knowing how to process emails on AWS can be very useful. Let's see how to set it up!

Published at: 2023-04-24